Please keep reading. I've gotten way behind and have 3 posts today (not including this one).
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Just to make sure people are still reading. . . After over a year of trying, we are finally expecting our 4th and final baby. When we told the kids, we said we are moving the toy room downstairs because someone else is going to be staying with us and needing that room. They just looked at us and got so excited because they thought some cousins were going to move in with us. We said no and that we are going to have a baby. Kendra and Brooklynn got way excited and Parker said "where are we going to get it from". That's probably a conversation needing to happen sooner than later. We are all so excited. I'm guessing I'm due the end of March ( I didn't keep track of dates last month very well). So I'm about 2 months and just starting to feel sick and I'm soooo tired. It's amazing how much quicker you show on your 4th than on any of your other kids. I guess our trip to California was VERY relaxing:)
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5:47 PM
When Nicole was in town she cut all the little cousins hair. Starting with Kendra. She cut 8 inches off and is donating it to Pantene. Which is kindof like locks of love but you only need 8 inches. She was so happy to have it short. It has been a struggle to keep her growing it.
And since Kendra cut her hair, Brooklynn had to. I'm not sure how much we cut off Brooklynn's but it was a good amount. She really likes it short too. But just today she said "mom, I miss my long hair".
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5:27 PM
Wayne and I took our 1st trip alone since Parker was only 1 this year for my bday. We went to Disneyland. It was so much fun. We definitely missed the kids because that's a total family vacation but it was nice not to hear "I need to go potty, I'm hungry, I'm tired "every 10 minutes. It was so laid back. Backup-we flew out, well, we arrived at the airport to fly out on the 25th. They wouldn't let us on the plane because my drivers license expired on my bday (the day before) so we had a neighbor friend go to my house and find my ss card and birth certificate and bring them to us. We got on the next flight 4 hours later, but we made it to california. The one lady in SL handing out tickets was the ONLY lady that questioned my drivers license being expired. The security guards didn't care and california didn't care. Then we spent 2 days in disneyland. Sunday before we flew home we hung out at the beach and ate brunch at a mexican restaurant on the beach. I couldn't understand our waiter very well. He came and asked me something and I said sure ( i thought he was asking to bring the check because "check" was the only word I understood), so next thing I know is he is bringing us margaritas. Apparently margaritas are included in the brunch. Wayne laughed at me and told him no thank you. We missed our kids so much but are so grateful for our family that helped us watch them for us. It was a much needed vacation.
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5:08 PM