Please keep reading. I've gotten way behind and have 3 posts today (not including this one).
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Just to make sure people are still reading. . . After over a year of trying, we are finally expecting our 4th and final baby. When we told the kids, we said we are moving the toy room downstairs because someone else is going to be staying with us and needing that room. They just looked at us and got so excited because they thought some cousins were going to move in with us. We said no and that we are going to have a baby. Kendra and Brooklynn got way excited and Parker said "where are we going to get it from". That's probably a conversation needing to happen sooner than later. We are all so excited. I'm guessing I'm due the end of March ( I didn't keep track of dates last month very well). So I'm about 2 months and just starting to feel sick and I'm soooo tired. It's amazing how much quicker you show on your 4th than on any of your other kids. I guess our trip to California was VERY relaxing:)
Posted by
5:47 PM
When Nicole was in town she cut all the little cousins hair. Starting with Kendra. She cut 8 inches off and is donating it to Pantene. Which is kindof like locks of love but you only need 8 inches. She was so happy to have it short. It has been a struggle to keep her growing it.
And since Kendra cut her hair, Brooklynn had to. I'm not sure how much we cut off Brooklynn's but it was a good amount. She really likes it short too. But just today she said "mom, I miss my long hair".
Posted by
5:27 PM
Wayne and I took our 1st trip alone since Parker was only 1 this year for my bday. We went to Disneyland. It was so much fun. We definitely missed the kids because that's a total family vacation but it was nice not to hear "I need to go potty, I'm hungry, I'm tired "every 10 minutes. It was so laid back. Backup-we flew out, well, we arrived at the airport to fly out on the 25th. They wouldn't let us on the plane because my drivers license expired on my bday (the day before) so we had a neighbor friend go to my house and find my ss card and birth certificate and bring them to us. We got on the next flight 4 hours later, but we made it to california. The one lady in SL handing out tickets was the ONLY lady that questioned my drivers license being expired. The security guards didn't care and california didn't care. Then we spent 2 days in disneyland. Sunday before we flew home we hung out at the beach and ate brunch at a mexican restaurant on the beach. I couldn't understand our waiter very well. He came and asked me something and I said sure ( i thought he was asking to bring the check because "check" was the only word I understood), so next thing I know is he is bringing us margaritas. Apparently margaritas are included in the brunch. Wayne laughed at me and told him no thank you. We missed our kids so much but are so grateful for our family that helped us watch them for us. It was a much needed vacation.
Posted by
5:08 PM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Sweetie. We love you and are so proud of you and how much you have learned and grown over this past year.
This year all she really asked for was a big girl bike. She got a pink princess bike and has rarely gotten off of it. She also got Littlest petshop toys, HSM toys, and My Little Pony toys. She had a My Little Pony cake. We had the whole family over and had a BBQ and ate cake.
Posted by
3:30 PM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
We have never been to the tulip festival before so we decided to go this year and it was so beautiful. Here's just some of our favorite pics.
Posted by
2:05 PM
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Happy 30something Birthday Wayne
Happy Birthday Wayne.
It was kind of a busy day. The office planned a lunch and while we were eating, Jared and Nicole came by with the kids. We were just hanging out when Jaren and Britney came by. It was a fun surprise. Thanks guys. We all hung out during lunch. That night we went to Cheesecake Factory, which is always quite the wait. Saturday Jared and Nicole, Jaren and Britney, Jim and Mindy and ALL the kids hung out. We had a good breakfast and spent the day together. It was really fun. Thanks for being such a great husband and dad. We all love you very much.
Posted by
7:42 PM
I have a 9 year old
Happy Birthday Parker. He is so grown up and handsome. He's trying to grow his hair out so it's looking a little shaggy but he is liking it right now. He's way into skateboarding and ripsticks. He still loves school but really hates homework. He is a great helper around the house. He just started soccer again and hopefully wont be afraid of the ball. He invited a few friends and we went bowling. What is it with boys turning 9-everyone thinks they deserve guns. He got several nerf guns and a bb gun (which I'm nervous about). He got skateboarding stuff and a ripstick which he is already mastering. Happy Birthday, we love you.
Posted by
7:28 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Potty Exhaustion
I know it's been a long while since I posted anything but I just have to put this picture up for you guys.
I was wondering what was taking Brooklynn so long in the bathroom so I went to check on her and I guess you can really wear yourself out while going to the bathroom (yes she is asleep). I was laughing so hard. I had to get her off or her legs would be so sore by the time she woke up. She slept on the couch for another hour or so.
Posted by
1:50 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
We keep getting asked to put a picture of our puppy on here. So here you go:) He's 3 months old now and so much fun.
Posted by
3:52 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
New Years Eve
Happy 2009!!! My family and Wayne's family came over for the night. I have to post these pics because we actually got Wayne's family to play rock band. Wayne's mom liked the drums and his sister and Kendra liked to sing. Kendra is our singer for sure. After that we played bowling, which is always fun. Brooklynn almost made it to midnight but Parker and Kendra made it to midnight and then some. Happy New Year Everyone.
Posted by
7:33 AM
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Annual Village Green Christmas Party
For those of you who weren't able to make it, we missed you. We had a lot of fun playing games, telling stories and just visiting. We had pizza and tonz of junk food. We had little princesses running around, some wrestling matches and some tears (from the kids of course). Briggs, Hintons, Hammonds, Stephensons and Us. I'm so glad we are able to get together at this time each year. We feel so blessed to have such made such lifelong friendships. Hopefully we will see more of you next year.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Merry Christmas everyone. It was definately a white christmas. We woke up to a blizzard. My mom and my brother got stuck coming and going from our home.
The kids had a great Christmas. Some of Parker's favorites were zero gravity car, tony hawk skateboard and ramp and a ton of tech deck stuff(he's really into skateboarding right now). Kendra's were barbie house, my meebas, hannah montana skateboard and high school musical dolls. Brooklynn's were baby and all the accessories, princess scooter and barbies. Some of our families favorites were rock band-we have been playing non stop. And we broke down and got a puppy. The cute little thing just does not want to potty train outside-it's too cold. The kids named him snickers. Wayne picked him up before they woke up Christmas morning so it would be here when they got up. They were so surprised. Then we had our usual breakfast. . . cinnamon rolls and fruit. Then we spent a few hours trying to shovel our way out of our 6 foot snow drifts. We had a great Christmas. It came and went too fast though.
Posted by
9:36 AM