Friday, October 19, 2007

Gopher Issues

Ok so I went outside a few weeks ago and there was a small little hole in our yard. I called the maintenance people and they told me to go buy some bait. Well of course I didn't and today when I went outside there are several holes and dirt mounds from this obnoxious critter. So I got online to see what I can do and it says "Dig a hole 6 inches deep and buy a gopher probe and probe underground until you find the start of the tunnel. Once you find that stick 2 traps down there." Ya right. Who in there right mind is sticking their hand down a gopher tunnel to set traps. It also said that if there are mounds in your yard they are probably getting ready to nest. So we may have a hole fam damily of gophers soon. I called the maintenance people back and said that they better come out or they wont have much of a yard left. And of course they havn't come out yet. Oh well.


Brittany said...

Try putting your hose down one of the holes and drowning them out. Let it run for at least a coulple of hours. This is what my dad always did. I think it worked. Give it a shot. Let me know if it worked.

Babbel Family said...

It could be moles. If there are grubs (nasty white worm looking things) in your grass that is what moles like to eat. Try getting some insecticide (sp?). Good luck!

Ciera said...

You blog page is awesome! I love the format and the slide show and ths music!

Creative Corner said...

hey you could you please post something new!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

Well I don't have much experience with gophers but I did shoot a deer. Tell Wayne to get out his gun and start shooting all those holes, and mounds :) If that doesn't work let me know and I will ask my brother who has a pest control company - I would consider a gohper a very large PEST! Good luck !